Author: Tim Strawbridge
Date Created: Feb 05, 2021
OPCache is a performance enhancing extension in PHP. It is really OP code caching or operation code caching. OP code is an execution of the code that runs on the server. For instance, you might recall what operations are at the assembly level; ADD, INC, MOV are all operations. The OP code is the first byte of the instruction that tells the CPU which operation to perform.
Opcode tables:
Let’s start with the basics of caching. The basic principle with cache is the same for all caches whether its browser cache, server cache, object cache, etc.
Since PHP is an interpreted language, it runs through an interpreter in order to get processed by the CPU. Interpretation takes longer to run than compiled code. This is where OPCache steps in. OPCache takes PHP source code, compiles it and stores that in a cache or memory. This type of memory is shared memory and can used by different processes. Shared memory is an efficient way to access and store common variables in a program. The first time the PHP code executes it will take a while to execute, however the next time the code is ran it is much faster.
Since PHP version 5.5, OPCache has been bundled with PHP, however it may not be enabled. To check to see if you have OPCache enabled you will have to look in your loaded php.ini file.
Check where the ini file is:
php -i | grep php.ini
Loaded Configuration File => /etc/php/7.3/cli/php.ini
Your results may differ based on what server OS is being used and the PHP package used.
Note: It may be better to run phpinfo() on a blank php file. The above configuration file references the CLI configuration file.
Now we can use a command to open the configuration file:
nano /etc/php/7.3/cli/php.ini
php -ini
Open the ini file and look for the following entry under the Zend OPcache settings.
Setting names are the same in Apache and Nginx.
The opcache.enable setting should be set to 1.
Other settings:
opcache.memory_consumption opcache.file_cache=/path/to/storage/.opcache; opcache.max_accelerated_files=10000 opcache.revalidate_freq=200
If you don’t see the opcache setting then you might not have it installed on your machine. If you are running PHP version 7 + then you most likely have it installed. If not you download it through the PECL package manager.
To find out more about configuration options go to
Don’t worry if you see your opcache setting for the command line config is disabled. You shouldn’t enable OPCache on the CLI anyway.